New Media Strategies Revised

Aggregate -“a material or structure formed from a loosely compacted mass of fragments or particles.”
For our project, we are using aggregation as a way of presenting out project ‘The UMaine Motivators.”
We are combining different medias and strategies to complete our project. We are using social media to help spread the word of UMOtivators. We are using a DIY chalkboard to gather good vibes from the campus and to help make the campus see what we are about.
In our readings about the 4 different new media strategies, i found that we are using a many to many principle. We are letting people decide what they want to say to others, and not really preaching to people about what kind of thing we are representing.
Using different materials to help with a project will give us all a better range on the type of things that we are doing. Combinations of different ways of presentation and gathering information is helping us build a stronger and more successful structure. I think that overall, this project will be awesome and we will get a lot of feedback from different sources with each material and structure that we formed!
Mobilize- Our project will have means of mobilization in many ways. We need to take action in being a completely unified group so we can have all the parts of our project ready for due date. During the course of our project we will run into walls and road blocks. But the project will still need to persevere through all of that. Through readiness and being overly prepared I feel that our group will greatly be mobil and ready. When it comes to SoftServe companies, “Mobilization is a vital step for companies in industries with predominate mobile workforces such as healthcare, insurance and education.” This tells us how mobilization of our groups will help us strategy that defines a short, mid and long term goal.
“The practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.” Our group, the UMotivator’s, is designed so people can do just that. Our goal by putting up these chalk boards and giving people a chance to write how THEY feel instead of being told, is not only to make people happy, but create a chain reaction of making others happy too. To create this chain reaction you need to divi-up the work. We need to spread the word of making other people happy from not just these chalk boards but also social media sites like Twitter or Facebook. We put the motions in play, but we want people to be the ones to carry it and make it their own. This way we can all problem solve together, and create a better environment for everyone.
Leverage is all about having the upper hand in the situation. In New Media we need to have the the upper hand against whatever it is we are fighting against or working towards. The yes men used the leverage in a very aggressive way, because the chemical company Dow promised to pay back the indiscretions of the company the recently bought, but apparently that only applied to US citizens. This being said the previous company was responsible for the greatest chemical plant disaster ever in India. The yes man posed as Dow and claimed they would pay back the people affected in India for a massive sum of money. Dow then had to make a public statement saying they had no intention of paying the people in India. This made Dow look like complete dicks and liars. The yes men used the little leverage they ha with public information and the will to make it happen which is sometimes all it takes especially when going against massive corporations. This is just the start to the change and with good enough leverage you can create a movement around it.


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