Please select two Spontaneous Intervention projects. Review and research each one –including links to related terms or websites, or issues.
Describe project (as you would to present it to the class) listing any New Media Strategies used by the artist project. Explain how this strategy was used.

Submit your response and be prepared to present them to the next class.

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I decided to submit a project called “Notes to Everyone”.
This is a project that can literally help anyone. People always need a pick me up, and if one can write notes to people to encourage someone, then so be it. It is simple, yet so effective. We can do this here, right at UMaine. We can make a Twitter page, a Facebook page, spreading the word about positivity.

Another project I thought was great was the “Insert_____Here” project. This is not notes of positivity, but notes of things in need of improvement around the community to create awareness. Such as the need for a new roof, it is helpful to get the word out in such a direct way. If we created a data base where you mark every single arrow on a map, anyone can go on the website to see where the arrows are and learn more about them.

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